Set up PALEO PISCES offline

1 minute read

Due to the latest update on IRENE to redhat8, the set of routines below is not working properly. Work to fix these issues is undergoing.

Reference paper for the PISCES model is Aumont et al. 2015. You will find additional information about parameterization and appropiate references within this paper as well.

This program aims to automate all the steps necessary to install and configure Paleo Pisces in order to facilitate the workflow.

The folder structure is as following:

Preliminary steps

The folder containing the script and all the packages required are located on IRENE here: /ccc/work/cont003/gen2212/gen2212/PaleoPisces.

Connect to IRENE and move to the folder location containing the code.

ssh [username]

cd /ccc/work/cont003/gen2212/gen2212/PaleoPisces

Load environment

Make sure to use . and not ./ so the script is sourced into your current shell and you will be able to use python3 hereafter.

Install Paleo Pisces

Install the model:


You will be required to enter the folder name where you want to install Paleo Pisces (this folder shouldn’t already exist).

When launching for the first time this script, a file will be created in /ccc/work/cont003/gen2212/gen2212/PaleoPisces/user_input/[IRENE_USERNAME]

Note: This parametrization file will request for elements (folder/file/job name) to install and set up Paleo Pisces.

As long as one of these elements entered in this file doesn't match the conditions (e.g. folder doesn't exist whereas it should), python script will request user to enter another value through a prompt.

If the new value fit the conditions it will be automatically updated in this

Configure Paleo Pisces

Before running the configure script you will have to edit the variables in Folder names and Boundary condition files section in file.

Those variables will contain paths and filenames of the coupled simulation outputs.

Then the next python script can be run:


Initialize Paleo Pisces

Before running the initialize script you will have to edit the variables in Parameters for config.card section in file.

Finally you can run the last python script:


Run a simulation

If you want to run a simulation, you need to move in simulation directory:

cd ccc/work/cont003/gen2212/[IRENE_User_Name]/[path_to_PALEOPISCES]/modipsl/config/NEMO_v6/[JOB_NAME]

And run the job:

ccc_msub Job_[JOB_NAME]

After ?

Once you have followed all these steps, you won’t need to use the script anymore.

However you can still use and to set up other configurations and launch new simulations.
