Environment Freezing

1 minute read

This documentation refers to ModelServer however the concepts should be applicable to different environments.


To manage our environments we use a virtual environment manager called conda developed by Anaconda. The benefits is that it is possible to install multiple distinct environments without them interfering with each other.

When distributing code it is important to also provide the execution environment to ensure the code will run on other systems. This is what this article aims to tackle.

Activating the Environment

The first thing to do is to ensure you are in the correct working environment. To do this run:

conda activate python

For ModelServer the pangeo environment in JupyterHub is called python.

You can replace python with any other environment name. Run conda env list to see all installed environments.

On super computers conda may not be available and this can be done with module for example.


See documentation for best explanation.

To clone the environment WITH EXACTLY the same package versions run

conda env export > environment.yml

This will generate environment.yml you can then pass this to someone else and tell them to follow these instructions.

In some cases a specific package version may no longer exist / be available (notably due to security issues in that version.) It is possible to also export ONLY the packages manually installed (the dependencies are installed automatically but are nto guaranteed to have the same version.) See doc

conda env export --from-history > environment.yml

Other useful tools:

Conda list

You can see the installed versions and where the came from using:

conda list --explicit

You can also create a spec-file (used for creating environments conda create --name myenv --file spec-file.txt) like so:

conda list --explicit > spec-file.txt

Pip Freeze

Pip is the standard Package Installer for Python (pip), when in the correct environment a simple:

pip freeze


pip freeze > requirements. txt

allows you to dump you current environment into a file that can be used as so pip install -r requirements.txt. HOWEVER this only plays well when everything is installed using pip (conda provides binaries which aren’t reinstallable through pip but the opposite is true, conda can install pip wheels) and not conda so it is not advised.
