Visu CM5A2

1 minute read

These scripts allow to visualize CM5A2 outputs. Plot are customizable with the ability to use custom colormap, add contour lines, etc… For more details you can check the header of each script which will explain all the inputs necessary (their format, specificities, etc…).


Depending on where you run the scripts you will have to install the environment accordingly:


Scripts are available on IRENE: /ccc/work/cont003/gen2212/gen2212/utils_CM5A2/visu_CM5A2/

To load the right environment:


On a local machine

Scripts are available on GitHub

  • You can either install environment from the environment.yml file located in the repository:
    conda env create -f /absolute/path/to/.../image_montage/environment.yml
  • Or you can install the following conda environment:

    Create environment:

    conda create -n  env_name python=3.9
    conda activate env_name

    Install following packages:

    conda install anaconda::ipykernel 
    conda install conda-forge::matplotlib
    conda install conda-forge::cartopy
    conda install conda-forge::xarray
    conda install conda-forge::netcdf4
    conda install conda-forge::h5netcdf
    conda install conda-forge::sqlite

Processing scripts

Plot horizontal section (lon/lat plot) of variable from CM5A2 output file (grid_T, ptrc_T, diad_T, …). Variable can be plotted for specific time step or time averaged over specific period and at specific depth or depth integrated over specific depths range.

Same as but adds current arrows (using grid_U and grid_V files) on top of plot.

Same as but creates 4 plots. The first 3 plots are averages: annual, winter(jan-mar), summer (jul-sep). The 4th plot is difference: winter-summer.

Plot vertical section (lon or lat /depth plot) of variable from CM5A2 output file (grid_T, ptrc_T, diad_T, …). Variable can be plotted for specific time step or time averaged over specific period and at specific lon/lat slice or averaged over specific lon/lat ranges. Subbasin mask can be applied.

Gather O2 variable from ptrc_T file at deepest cell over the domain and plot it.

Plots bathymetry computed from thetao and deptht variables in grid_T file. Then plots histogram showing sum of cells surface ordonned by depth bins (500m reange each) for each subbasin (atlantic, pacific, indian).

Compute saturated O2 from O2 variable in ptrc_T file. The three variables created (oxygen_4, O2_SAT4, AOU4) can then be visualized with or scripts.

Generates animated gif of lon/lat plots for wind at 850hPa, Precip-Evap and T2M.
