IPSL-CM5A2 .2 and later versions

1 minute read

This is a documentation on the specific use of configuration 5A2.2 of IPSLCM (Coupled Model of IPSL). It is an update to Anta’s documentation. You will find more details on how to run IPSLCM in general (any configuration) at TGCC and at IDRIS in the complete IPSL-CMC documentation on the supercomputers irene and jean-zay.

In particular you may have to set your environment before you can follow this tutorial.

Download & Compile the code

The code is downloaded using the modIPSL tools:

# Create a working directory four your model installation




 svn co http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/igcmg/svn/modipsl/trunk modipsl
 cd modipsl/util

# List available models

 ./model -h

# Retreive model IPSLCM5A2.2 or later

./model IPSLCM5A2.2

When prompted for a password for IPSLCM experiments/libIGCM use:

# login
# password

When prompted for a password for Orchidee use:

# login
# password

Once this is done you can immediately compile the model for a paleo experiment. Starting from v(.2) There is no need to modify the sources for configurations without ice sheets.

Go to the configuration directory : MYPROJECTNAME/modipsl/config/IPSLCM5A2

From there, launch the Makefile script for PALEOIPSLCM5A2-VLR configuration:


This version of the code allows you to work with ORCA2 grids and paleORCA grids.

Going from MOSAIC to MOSAIX with a previous simulation ?

In some cases, you will want to extend an old simulation or restart from it. Older simulations will use interpolation weights (to couple LMDZ and NEMO) generated by MOSAIC. The new version of IPSLCM5A2 : v2.2, allows you to use MOSAIX generated weights which improve the conservation of exchanged quantities.

The bad news is you can’t use your old MOSAIC simulation as is to restart a MOSAIX simulation.

The (maybe) good news is that you can use the ocean as an initial state and, with some more work, build a suitable initial state for the atmosphere that will be close enough to its mosaic counterpart.

You can find some explanations and the procedure in the IPSL-CMC documentation-F.A.Q.
