Coastal Masks Using ConvolutionsΒΆ
import xarray as xr
import numpy
import hvplot.xarray
import holoviews as hv
from scipy.signal import convolve2d
data_file = '/mnt/GEN2212/GEN2212.asarr/PISCES_notebook/GridT/'
Import the dataΒΆ
ds = xr.open_dataset(data_file)
<xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (axis_nbounds: 2, deptht: 31, tbnds: 2, time_counter: 12, x: 182, y: 149) Coordinates: * time_counter (time_counter) object 0000-01-16 00:00:00 ... 0000-... nav_lat (y, x) float32 -78.19 -78.19 -78.19 ... 59.91 59.91 nav_lon (y, x) float32 105.0 107.0 109.0 ... 106.0 106.0 106.0 * deptht (deptht) float32 5.0 15.0 25.0 ... 4.75e+03 5.25e+03 time_centered (time_counter) object 7804-07-16 00:00:00 ... 7805-... Dimensions without coordinates: axis_nbounds, tbnds, x, y Data variables: time_counter_bnds (time_counter, tbnds) object 0000-01-01 00:00:00 ..... deptht_bounds (deptht, axis_nbounds) float32 0.0 10.0 ... 5.501e+03 time_centered_bounds (time_counter, axis_nbounds) object 7804-07-01 00:0... time_counter_bounds (time_counter, axis_nbounds) float64 1.837e+11 ... ... e3t (time_counter, deptht, y, x) float32 ... pbo (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... zos (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... zossq (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... thetao (time_counter, deptht, y, x) float32 ... tos (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... tossq (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... so (time_counter, deptht, y, x) float32 ... sos (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... rhopoto (time_counter, deptht, y, x) float32 ... omlmax (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... mldkz5 (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... mldr10_1 (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... mldr10_1max (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... wfcorr (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... nshfls (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... rsntds (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... rsds (time_counter, deptht, y, x) float32 ... hfcorr (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... mlddzt (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... mldr10_3 (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... mldr0_1 (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... mldr0_3 (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... mld_dt02 (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... topthdep (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... pycndep (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... BLT (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... tinv (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... depti (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... hc300 (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... hdivtr (time_counter, deptht, y, x) float32 ... windsp (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... wfob (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... fmmflx (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... siconc (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... sicover (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... qt_oce (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... qemp_oce (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... qt_ice (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... qemp_ice (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... hflx_rain_cea (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... hflx_evap_cea (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... hflx_snow_cea (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... hflx_cal_cea (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... wfo (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... emp_oce (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... emp_ice (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... friver (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... calving (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... vfxice (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... vfxsnw (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... vfxsub (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... vfxspr (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... rain (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... snow_ao_cea (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... snow_ai_cea (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... evap_ao_cea (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... subl_ai_cea (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... sosflxdo (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... Attributes: name: CPL-90Ma-ORB1-TopoCorr_1m_grid_T description: Created by xios title: Created by xios Conventions: CF-1.6 timeStamp: 2020-Nov-07 22:04:10 GMT uuid: 5a48fec9-7e00-46df-8ec8-5753a1e4a350 LongName: restart from CPL-90Ma-BathyTotal for OCE/ICE/M... history: Mon Nov 9 05:21:33 2020: ncrcat -C --buffer_s... NCO: "4.6.0" nco_openmp_thread_number: 1
- axis_nbounds: 2
- deptht: 31
- tbnds: 2
- time_counter: 12
- x: 182
- y: 149
- time_counter(time_counter)object0000-01-16 00:00:00 ... 0000-12-...
- bounds :
- time_counter_bnds
- time_origin :
- 01-JAN-0000 00:00:00
array([cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 1, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 2, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 3, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 4, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 5, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 6, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 7, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 8, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 9, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 10, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 11, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 12, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0)], dtype=object)
- nav_lat(y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- latitude
- long_name :
- Latitude
- units :
- degrees_north
array([[-78.19058 , -78.19058 , -78.19058 , ..., -78.19058 , -78.19058 , -78.19058 ], [-77.7742 , -77.7742 , -77.7742 , ..., -77.7742 , -77.7742 , -77.7742 ], [-77.34337 , -77.34337 , -77.34337 , ..., -77.34337 , -77.34337 , -77.34337 ], ..., [ 59.725872, 59.725872, 59.73183 , ..., 59.73183 , 59.725872, 59.725872], [ 59.910233, 59.910233, 59.910248, ..., 59.910248, 59.910233, 59.910233], [ 59.910233, 59.910233, 59.910248, ..., 59.910248, 59.910233, 59.910233]], dtype=float32)
- nav_lon(y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- longitude
- long_name :
- Longitude
- units :
- degrees_east
array([[105. , 107. , 109. , ..., 103. , 105. , 107. ], [105. , 107. , 109. , ..., 103. , 105. , 107. ], [105. , 107. , 109. , ..., 103. , 105. , 107. ], ..., [105.98919 , 106.01081 , 106.054634, ..., 105.945366, 105.98919 , 106.01081 ], [105.999725, 106.000275, 106.00089 , ..., 105.99911 , 105.999725, 106.000275], [106. , 105.999725, 105.99911 , ..., 106.00089 , 106. , 105.999725]], dtype=float32)
- deptht(deptht)float325.0 15.0 25.0 ... 4.75e+03 5.25e+03
- name :
- deptht
- long_name :
- Vertical T levels
- units :
- m
- positive :
- down
- bounds :
- deptht_bounds
array([4.999938e+00, 1.500029e+01, 2.500176e+01, 3.500541e+01, 4.501332e+01, 5.502950e+01, 6.506181e+01, 7.512551e+01, 8.525037e+01, 9.549429e+01, 1.059699e+02, 1.168962e+02, 1.286979e+02, 1.421953e+02, 1.589606e+02, 1.819628e+02, 2.166479e+02, 2.724767e+02, 3.643030e+02, 5.115348e+02, 7.322009e+02, 1.033217e+03, 1.405698e+03, 1.830885e+03, 2.289768e+03, 2.768242e+03, 3.257479e+03, 3.752442e+03, 4.250401e+03, 4.749913e+03, 5.250227e+03], dtype=float32)
- time_centered(time_counter)object...
- standard_name :
- time
- long_name :
- Time axis
- time_origin :
- 1900-01-01 00:00:00
- bounds :
- time_centered_bounds
- cell_methods :
- time_counter: mean
array([cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 7, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 8, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 9, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 10, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 11, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 12, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 1, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 2, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 3, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 4, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 5, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 6, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0)], dtype=object)
- time_counter_bnds(time_counter, tbnds)object...
array([[cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 5, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 5, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 6, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 6, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 8, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 8, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 9, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 9, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 10, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 10, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 11, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 11, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 12, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 12, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)]], dtype=object)
- deptht_bounds(deptht, axis_nbounds)float32...
- units :
- m
array([[ 0. , 10.000015], [ 10.000015, 20.000834], [ 20.000834, 30.003216], [ 30.003216, 40.008644], [ 40.008644, 50.020004], [ 50.020004, 60.042915], [ 60.042915, 70.08833 ], [ 70.08833 , 80.17757 ], [ 80.17757 , 90.35213 ], [ 90.35213 , 100.692795], [ 100.692795, 111.35667 ], [ 111.35667 , 122.64877 ], [ 122.64877 , 135.15974 ], [ 135.15974 , 150.02681 ], [ 150.02681 , 169.41597 ], [ 169.41597 , 197.36778 ], [ 197.36778 , 241.12593 ], [ 241.12593 , 312.74466 ], [ 312.74466 , 429.72336 ], [ 429.72336 , 611.8891 ], [ 611.8891 , 872.8738 ], [ 872.8738 , 1211.588 ], [1211.588 , 1612.9757 ], [1612.9757 , 2057.1313 ], [2057.1313 , 2527.2168 ], [2527.2168 , 3011.8994 ], [3011.8994 , 3504.455 ], [3504.455 , 4001.159 ], [4001.159 , 4500.0215 ], [4500.0215 , 5000. ], [5000. , 5500.5645 ]], dtype=float32)
- time_centered_bounds(time_counter, axis_nbounds)object...
- cell_methods :
- time_counter: mean
array([[cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 8, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 8, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 9, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 9, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 10, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 10, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 11, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 11, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 12, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 12, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 5, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 5, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 6, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 6, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)]], dtype=object)
- time_counter_bounds(time_counter, axis_nbounds)float64...
- cell_methods :
- time_counter: mean
array([[1.836536e+11, 1.836562e+11], [1.836562e+11, 1.836588e+11], [1.836588e+11, 1.836613e+11], [1.836613e+11, 1.836639e+11], [1.836639e+11, 1.836665e+11], [1.836665e+11, 1.836691e+11], [1.836691e+11, 1.836717e+11], [1.836717e+11, 1.836743e+11], [1.836743e+11, 1.836769e+11], [1.836769e+11, 1.836795e+11], [1.836795e+11, 1.836821e+11], [1.836821e+11, 1.836847e+11]])
- e3t(time_counter, deptht, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- cell_thickness
- long_name :
- T-cell thickness
- units :
- m
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[10087896 values with dtype=float32]
- pbo(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- sea_water_pressure_at_sea_floor
- long_name :
- Pressure_at_sea_floor
- units :
- dbar
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- zos(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- sea_surface_height_above_geoid
- long_name :
- sea_surface_height_above_geoid
- units :
- m
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- zossq(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- square_of_sea_surface_height_above_geoid
- long_name :
- square_of_sea_surface_height_above_geoid
- units :
- m2
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- thetao(time_counter, deptht, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- sea_water_potential_temperature
- long_name :
- sea_water_potential_temperature
- units :
- degC
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 1 month
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean time_counter: mean
[10087896 values with dtype=float32]
- tos(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- sea_surface_temperature
- long_name :
- sea_surface_temperature
- units :
- degC
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- tossq(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- square_of_sea_surface_temperature
- long_name :
- square_of_sea_surface_temperature
- units :
- degC2
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- so(time_counter, deptht, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- sea_water_practical_salinity
- long_name :
- sea_water_salinity
- units :
- 1e-3
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 1 month
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean time_counter: mean
[10087896 values with dtype=float32]
- sos(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- sea_surface_salinity
- long_name :
- sea_surface_salinity
- units :
- 1e-3
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- rhopoto(time_counter, deptht, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- sea_water_sigma_theta
- long_name :
- sea_water_potential_density
- units :
- kg/m3
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[10087896 values with dtype=float32]
- omlmax(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_vertical_tracer_diffusivity
- long_name :
- ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_mixing_scheme
- units :
- m
- online_operation :
- maximum
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: maximum (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- mldkz5(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_vertical_tracer_diffusivity
- long_name :
- Turbocline depth (Kz = 5e-4)
- units :
- m
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- mldr10_1(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_theta
- long_name :
- Mixed Layer Depth (dsigma = 0.01 wrt 10m)
- units :
- m
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- mldr10_1max(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_theta
- long_name :
- max of Mixed Layer Depth 0.01 ref.10m
- units :
- m
- online_operation :
- maximum
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: maximum (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- wfcorr(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- water_flux_out_of_sea_water_due_to_newtonian_relaxation
- long_name :
- water_flux_correction
- units :
- kg/m2/s
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- nshfls(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- long_name :
- surface_net_downward_non_solar_flux
- units :
- W/m2
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- rsntds(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- net_downward_shortwave_flux_at_sea_water_surface
- long_name :
- surface_net_downward_shortwave_flux
- units :
- W/m2
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- rsds(time_counter, deptht, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_sea_water
- long_name :
- downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_sea_water
- units :
- W/m2
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[10087896 values with dtype=float32]
- hfcorr(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- heat_flux_into_sea_water_due_to_newtonian_relaxation
- long_name :
- heat_flux_correction
- units :
- W/m2
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- mlddzt(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- depth_at_maximum_upward_derivative_of_sea_water_potential_temperature
- long_name :
- Thermocline Depth (depth of max dT/dz)
- units :
- m
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- mldr10_3(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_theta
- long_name :
- Mixed Layer Depth (dsigma = 0.03 wrt 10m)
- units :
- m
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- mldr0_1(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_theta
- long_name :
- Mixed Layer Depth (dsigma = 0.01 wrt sfc)
- units :
- m
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- mldr0_3(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_theta
- long_name :
- Mixed Layer Depth (dsigma = 0.03 wrt sfc)
- units :
- m
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- mld_dt02(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_temperature
- long_name :
- Mixed Layer Depth (|dT| = 0.2 wrt 10m)
- units :
- m
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- topthdep(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_temperature
- long_name :
- Top of Thermocline Depth (dT = -0.2 wrt 10m)
- units :
- m
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- pycndep(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_theta
- long_name :
- Pycnocline Depth (dsigma[dT=-0.2] wrt 10m)
- units :
- m
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- BLT(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- long_name :
- Barrier Layer Thickness
- units :
- m
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- tinv(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- long_name :
- Max of vertical invertion of temperature
- units :
- degC
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- depti(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- long_name :
- Depth of max. vert. inv. of temperature
- units :
- m
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- hc300(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- integral_of_sea_water_potential_temperature_wrt_depth_expressed_as_heat_content
- long_name :
- Heat content 0-300m
- units :
- J/m2
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- hdivtr(time_counter, deptht, y, x)float32...
- long_name :
- horizontal divergence transport
- units :
- s-1
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 1 month
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean time_counter: mean
[10087896 values with dtype=float32]
- windsp(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- wind_speed
- long_name :
- wind speed module
- units :
- m/s
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- wfob(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- water_flux_out_of_sea_ice_and_sea_water
- long_name :
- water_flux_into_sea_water at prev time-step
- units :
- kg/m2/s
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- fmmflx(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- long_name :
- Water flux due to freezing/melting
- units :
- kg/m2/s
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- siconc(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- sea_ice_area_fraction
- long_name :
- ice concentration
- units :
- %
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- sicover(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- sea_ice_area_fraction
- long_name :
- sea ice cover
- units :
- 1
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- qt_oce(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- surface_downward_heat_flux_in_sea_water
- long_name :
- downward total flux at ocean surface
- units :
- W/m2
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- qemp_oce(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- long_name :
- Downward Heat Flux from E-P over open ocean
- units :
- W/m2
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- qt_ice(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- surface_downward_heat_flux_in_air
- long_name :
- downward total flux at ice surface
- units :
- W/m2
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- qemp_ice(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- long_name :
- Downward Heat Flux from E-P over ice
- units :
- W/m2
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- hflx_rain_cea(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- temperature_flux_due_to_rainfall_expressed_as_heat_flux_into_sea_water
- long_name :
- heat flux due to rainfall
- units :
- W/m2
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- hflx_evap_cea(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- temperature_flux_due_to_evaporation_expressed_as_heat_flux_out_of_sea_water
- long_name :
- heat flux due to evaporation
- units :
- W/m2
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- hflx_snow_cea(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- heat_flux_into_sea_water_due_to_snow_thermodynamics
- long_name :
- heat flux due to snow falling over ice-free ocean
- units :
- W/m2
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- hflx_cal_cea(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- heat_flux_into_sea_water_due_to_iceberg_thermodynamics
- long_name :
- heat flux due to calving
- units :
- W/m2
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- wfo(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- water_flux_out_of_sea_ice_and_sea_water
- long_name :
- water_flux_into_sea_water
- units :
- kg/m2/s
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- emp_oce(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- evap_minus_precip_over_sea_water
- long_name :
- Evap minus Precip over ocean
- units :
- kg/m2/s
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- emp_ice(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- evap_minus_precip_over_sea_ice
- long_name :
- Evap minus Precip over ice
- units :
- kg/m2/s
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- friver(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- water_flux_into_sea_water_from_rivers
- long_name :
- water_flux_into_sea_water_from_rivers
- units :
- kg/m2/s
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- calving(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- water_flux_into_sea_water_from_icebergs
- long_name :
- Calving
- units :
- kg/m2/s
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- vfxice(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- long_name :
- ice melt/growth
- units :
- m/day
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- vfxsnw(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- long_name :
- snw melt/growth
- units :
- m/day
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- vfxsub(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- long_name :
- snw sublimation
- units :
- m/day
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- vfxspr(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- long_name :
- snw precipitation on ice
- units :
- m/day
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- rain(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- rainfall_flux
- long_name :
- Liquid precipitation
- units :
- kg/m2/s
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- snow_ao_cea(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- snowfall_flux
- long_name :
- Snow over ice-free ocean (cell average)
- units :
- kg/m2/s
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- snow_ai_cea(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- snowfall_flux
- long_name :
- Snow over sea-ice (cell average)
- units :
- kg/m2/s
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- evap_ao_cea(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- water_evaporation_flux
- long_name :
- Evaporation over ice-free ocean (cell average)
- units :
- kg/m2/s
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- subl_ai_cea(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- surface_snow_and_ice_sublimation_flux
- long_name :
- Sublimation over sea-ice (cell average)
- units :
- kg/m2/s
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- sosflxdo(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- long_name :
- Downward salt flux
- units :
- 1e-3/m2/s
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- name :
- CPL-90Ma-ORB1-TopoCorr_1m_grid_T
- description :
- Created by xios
- title :
- Created by xios
- Conventions :
- CF-1.6
- timeStamp :
- 2020-Nov-07 22:04:10 GMT
- uuid :
- 5a48fec9-7e00-46df-8ec8-5753a1e4a350
- LongName :
- restart from CPL-90Ma-BathyTotal for OCE/ICE/MBG + restart LMDZOR topoCorr for ATM/SBG/SRF - 1120 ppm - Config.Orbitale 1
- history :
- Mon Nov 9 05:21:33 2020: ncrcat -C --buffer_size 838860800 -O -v BLT,calving,deptht,deptht_bounds,depti,e3t,emp_ice,emp_oce,evap_ao_cea,fmmflx,friver,hc300,hdivtr,hfcorr,hflx_cal_cea,hflx_evap_cea,hflx_rain_cea,hflx_snow_cea,mld_dt02,mlddzt,mldkz5,mldr0_1,mldr0_3,mldr10_1,mldr10_1max,mldr10_3,nav_lat,nav_lon,nshfls,omlmax,pbo,pycndep,qemp_ice,qemp_oce,qt_ice,qt_oce,rain,rhopoto,rsds,rsntds,siconc,sicover,snow_ai_cea,snow_ao_cea,so,sos,sosflxdo,subl_ai_cea,thetao,time_centered,time_centered_bounds,time_counter,time_counter_bounds,tinv,topthdep,tos,tossq,vfxice,vfxsnw,vfxspr,vfxsub,wfcorr,wfo,wfob,windsp,zos,zossq Mon Nov 9 05:14:09 2020: ncra -C --buffer_size 838860800 -O -v BLT,calving,deptht,deptht_bounds,depti,e3t,emp_ice,emp_oce,evap_ao_cea,fmmflx,friver,hc300,hdivtr,hfcorr,hflx_cal_cea,hflx_evap_cea,hflx_rain_cea,hflx_snow_cea,mld_dt02,mlddzt,mldkz5,mldr0_1,mldr0_3,mldr10_1,mldr10_1max,mldr10_3,nav_lat,nav_lon,nshfls,omlmax,pbo,pycndep,qemp_ice,qemp_oce,qt_ice,qt_oce,rain,rhopoto,rsds,rsntds,siconc,sicover,snow_ai_cea,snow_ao_cea,so,sos,sosflxdo,subl_ai_cea,thetao,time_centered,time_centered_bounds,time_counter,time_counter_bounds,tinv,topthdep,tos,tossq,vfxice,vfxsnw,vfxspr,vfxsub,wfcorr,wfo,wfob,windsp,zos,zossq -d time_counter,0,,12 Sun Nov 8 01:58:25 2020: ncrcat -C --buffer_size 838860800 -p /ccc/scratch/cont003/gen2212/laugiema/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5A2/PROD/paleo/CPL-90Ma-ORB1-TopoCorr/OCE/Output/MO --output
- NCO :
- "4.6.0"
- nco_openmp_thread_number :
- 1
Setup the maskΒΆ
We need a mask for the convolution to know where the land is.
If we want ocean points then we set land to 1 and ocean 0 and the inverse if we want land points.
ds.pbo.hvplot.quadmesh(x='nav_lon', y='nav_lat', rasterize=True, geo=True, project=True)
vals = ds.pbo.isel(time_counter=0).values
land = numpy.where(numpy.isnan(vals),1 ,0 )
We carry out a convolution. A convutlion is a moving mask that multiple the base values by template values.
As the land is 1 and ocean 0 we will only have values next to the land. We set the same value everywhere and positive inside the template.
template = numpy.array([[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]])
# Run convolution
convolution = convolve2d(land, template, 'same')
# Set land to 0
convolution = numpy.where(land, 0, convolution)
# Set all values now not null to 1
convolution[convolution > 0] = 1
Write mask back to datasetΒΆ
<xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (axis_nbounds: 2, deptht: 31, tbnds: 2, time_counter: 12, x: 182, y: 149) Coordinates: * time_counter (time_counter) object 0000-01-16 00:00:00 ... 0000-... nav_lat (y, x) float32 -78.19 -78.19 -78.19 ... 59.91 59.91 nav_lon (y, x) float32 105.0 107.0 109.0 ... 106.0 106.0 106.0 * deptht (deptht) float32 5.0 15.0 25.0 ... 4.75e+03 5.25e+03 time_centered (time_counter) object 7804-07-16 00:00:00 ... 7805-... Dimensions without coordinates: axis_nbounds, tbnds, x, y Data variables: time_counter_bnds (time_counter, tbnds) object 0000-01-01 00:00:00 ..... deptht_bounds (deptht, axis_nbounds) float32 0.0 10.0 ... 5.501e+03 time_centered_bounds (time_counter, axis_nbounds) object 7804-07-01 00:0... time_counter_bounds (time_counter, axis_nbounds) float64 1.837e+11 ... ... e3t (time_counter, deptht, y, x) float32 ... pbo (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... zos (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... zossq (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... thetao (time_counter, deptht, y, x) float32 ... tos (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... tossq (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... so (time_counter, deptht, y, x) float32 ... sos (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... rhopoto (time_counter, deptht, y, x) float32 ... omlmax (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... mldkz5 (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... mldr10_1 (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... mldr10_1max (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... wfcorr (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... nshfls (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... rsntds (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... rsds (time_counter, deptht, y, x) float32 ... hfcorr (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... mlddzt (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... mldr10_3 (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... mldr0_1 (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... mldr0_3 (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... mld_dt02 (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... topthdep (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... pycndep (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... BLT (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... tinv (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... depti (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... hc300 (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... hdivtr (time_counter, deptht, y, x) float32 ... windsp (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... wfob (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... fmmflx (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... siconc (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... sicover (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... qt_oce (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... qemp_oce (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... qt_ice (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... qemp_ice (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... hflx_rain_cea (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... hflx_evap_cea (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... hflx_snow_cea (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... hflx_cal_cea (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... wfo (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... emp_oce (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... emp_ice (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... friver (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... calving (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... vfxice (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... vfxsnw (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... vfxsub (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... vfxspr (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... rain (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... snow_ao_cea (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... snow_ai_cea (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... evap_ao_cea (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... subl_ai_cea (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... sosflxdo (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... Attributes: name: CPL-90Ma-ORB1-TopoCorr_1m_grid_T description: Created by xios title: Created by xios Conventions: CF-1.6 timeStamp: 2020-Nov-07 22:04:10 GMT uuid: 5a48fec9-7e00-46df-8ec8-5753a1e4a350 LongName: restart from CPL-90Ma-BathyTotal for OCE/ICE/M... history: Mon Nov 9 05:21:33 2020: ncrcat -C --buffer_s... NCO: "4.6.0" nco_openmp_thread_number: 1
- axis_nbounds: 2
- deptht: 31
- tbnds: 2
- time_counter: 12
- x: 182
- y: 149
- time_counter(time_counter)object0000-01-16 00:00:00 ... 0000-12-...
- bounds :
- time_counter_bnds
- time_origin :
- 01-JAN-0000 00:00:00
array([cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 1, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 2, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 3, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 4, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 5, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 6, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 7, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 8, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 9, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 10, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 11, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 12, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0)], dtype=object)
- nav_lat(y, x)float32-78.19 -78.19 ... 59.91 59.91
- standard_name :
- latitude
- long_name :
- Latitude
- units :
- degrees_north
array([[-78.19058 , -78.19058 , -78.19058 , ..., -78.19058 , -78.19058 , -78.19058 ], [-77.7742 , -77.7742 , -77.7742 , ..., -77.7742 , -77.7742 , -77.7742 ], [-77.34337 , -77.34337 , -77.34337 , ..., -77.34337 , -77.34337 , -77.34337 ], ..., [ 59.725872, 59.725872, 59.73183 , ..., 59.73183 , 59.725872, 59.725872], [ 59.910233, 59.910233, 59.910248, ..., 59.910248, 59.910233, 59.910233], [ 59.910233, 59.910233, 59.910248, ..., 59.910248, 59.910233, 59.910233]], dtype=float32)
- nav_lon(y, x)float32105.0 107.0 109.0 ... 106.0 106.0
- standard_name :
- longitude
- long_name :
- Longitude
- units :
- degrees_east
array([[105. , 107. , 109. , ..., 103. , 105. , 107. ], [105. , 107. , 109. , ..., 103. , 105. , 107. ], [105. , 107. , 109. , ..., 103. , 105. , 107. ], ..., [105.98919 , 106.01081 , 106.054634, ..., 105.945366, 105.98919 , 106.01081 ], [105.999725, 106.000275, 106.00089 , ..., 105.99911 , 105.999725, 106.000275], [106. , 105.999725, 105.99911 , ..., 106.00089 , 106. , 105.999725]], dtype=float32)
- deptht(deptht)float325.0 15.0 25.0 ... 4.75e+03 5.25e+03
- name :
- deptht
- long_name :
- Vertical T levels
- units :
- m
- positive :
- down
- bounds :
- deptht_bounds
array([4.999938e+00, 1.500029e+01, 2.500176e+01, 3.500541e+01, 4.501332e+01, 5.502950e+01, 6.506181e+01, 7.512551e+01, 8.525037e+01, 9.549429e+01, 1.059699e+02, 1.168962e+02, 1.286979e+02, 1.421953e+02, 1.589606e+02, 1.819628e+02, 2.166479e+02, 2.724767e+02, 3.643030e+02, 5.115348e+02, 7.322009e+02, 1.033217e+03, 1.405698e+03, 1.830885e+03, 2.289768e+03, 2.768242e+03, 3.257479e+03, 3.752442e+03, 4.250401e+03, 4.749913e+03, 5.250227e+03], dtype=float32)
- time_centered(time_counter)object7804-07-16 00:00:00 ... 7805-06-...
- standard_name :
- time
- long_name :
- Time axis
- time_origin :
- 1900-01-01 00:00:00
- bounds :
- time_centered_bounds
- cell_methods :
- time_counter: mean
array([cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 7, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 8, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 9, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 10, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 11, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 12, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 1, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 2, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 3, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 4, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 5, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 6, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0)], dtype=object)
- time_counter_bnds(time_counter, tbnds)object0000-01-01 00:00:00 ... 0001-01-...
array([[cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 5, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 5, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 6, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 6, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 8, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 8, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 9, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 9, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 10, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 10, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 11, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 11, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 12, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 12, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)]], dtype=object)
- deptht_bounds(deptht, axis_nbounds)float320.0 10.0 10.0 ... 5e+03 5.501e+03
- units :
- m
array([[ 0. , 10.000015], [ 10.000015, 20.000834], [ 20.000834, 30.003216], [ 30.003216, 40.008644], [ 40.008644, 50.020004], [ 50.020004, 60.042915], [ 60.042915, 70.08833 ], [ 70.08833 , 80.17757 ], [ 80.17757 , 90.35213 ], [ 90.35213 , 100.692795], [ 100.692795, 111.35667 ], [ 111.35667 , 122.64877 ], [ 122.64877 , 135.15974 ], [ 135.15974 , 150.02681 ], [ 150.02681 , 169.41597 ], [ 169.41597 , 197.36778 ], [ 197.36778 , 241.12593 ], [ 241.12593 , 312.74466 ], [ 312.74466 , 429.72336 ], [ 429.72336 , 611.8891 ], [ 611.8891 , 872.8738 ], [ 872.8738 , 1211.588 ], [1211.588 , 1612.9757 ], [1612.9757 , 2057.1313 ], [2057.1313 , 2527.2168 ], [2527.2168 , 3011.8994 ], [3011.8994 , 3504.455 ], [3504.455 , 4001.159 ], [4001.159 , 4500.0215 ], [4500.0215 , 5000. ], [5000. , 5500.5645 ]], dtype=float32)
- time_centered_bounds(time_counter, axis_nbounds)object7804-07-01 00:00:00 ... 7805-07-...
- cell_methods :
- time_counter: mean
array([[cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 8, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 8, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 9, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 9, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 10, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 10, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 11, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 11, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 12, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 12, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 5, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 5, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 6, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 6, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)]], dtype=object)
- time_counter_bounds(time_counter, axis_nbounds)float641.837e+11 1.837e+11 ... 1.837e+11
- cell_methods :
- time_counter: mean
array([[1.836536e+11, 1.836562e+11], [1.836562e+11, 1.836588e+11], [1.836588e+11, 1.836613e+11], [1.836613e+11, 1.836639e+11], [1.836639e+11, 1.836665e+11], [1.836665e+11, 1.836691e+11], [1.836691e+11, 1.836717e+11], [1.836717e+11, 1.836743e+11], [1.836743e+11, 1.836769e+11], [1.836769e+11, 1.836795e+11], [1.836795e+11, 1.836821e+11], [1.836821e+11, 1.836847e+11]])
- e3t(time_counter, deptht, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- cell_thickness
- long_name :
- T-cell thickness
- units :
- m
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[10087896 values with dtype=float32]
- pbo(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- sea_water_pressure_at_sea_floor
- long_name :
- Pressure_at_sea_floor
- units :
- dbar
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- zos(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- sea_surface_height_above_geoid
- long_name :
- sea_surface_height_above_geoid
- units :
- m
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- zossq(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- square_of_sea_surface_height_above_geoid
- long_name :
- square_of_sea_surface_height_above_geoid
- units :
- m2
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- thetao(time_counter, deptht, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- sea_water_potential_temperature
- long_name :
- sea_water_potential_temperature
- units :
- degC
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 1 month
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean time_counter: mean
[10087896 values with dtype=float32]
- tos(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- sea_surface_temperature
- long_name :
- sea_surface_temperature
- units :
- degC
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- tossq(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- square_of_sea_surface_temperature
- long_name :
- square_of_sea_surface_temperature
- units :
- degC2
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- so(time_counter, deptht, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- sea_water_practical_salinity
- long_name :
- sea_water_salinity
- units :
- 1e-3
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 1 month
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean time_counter: mean
[10087896 values with dtype=float32]
- sos(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- sea_surface_salinity
- long_name :
- sea_surface_salinity
- units :
- 1e-3
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- rhopoto(time_counter, deptht, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- sea_water_sigma_theta
- long_name :
- sea_water_potential_density
- units :
- kg/m3
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[10087896 values with dtype=float32]
- omlmax(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_vertical_tracer_diffusivity
- long_name :
- ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_mixing_scheme
- units :
- m
- online_operation :
- maximum
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: maximum (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- mldkz5(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_vertical_tracer_diffusivity
- long_name :
- Turbocline depth (Kz = 5e-4)
- units :
- m
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- mldr10_1(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_theta
- long_name :
- Mixed Layer Depth (dsigma = 0.01 wrt 10m)
- units :
- m
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- mldr10_1max(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_theta
- long_name :
- max of Mixed Layer Depth 0.01 ref.10m
- units :
- m
- online_operation :
- maximum
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: maximum (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- wfcorr(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- water_flux_out_of_sea_water_due_to_newtonian_relaxation
- long_name :
- water_flux_correction
- units :
- kg/m2/s
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- nshfls(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- long_name :
- surface_net_downward_non_solar_flux
- units :
- W/m2
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- rsntds(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- net_downward_shortwave_flux_at_sea_water_surface
- long_name :
- surface_net_downward_shortwave_flux
- units :
- W/m2
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- rsds(time_counter, deptht, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_sea_water
- long_name :
- downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_sea_water
- units :
- W/m2
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[10087896 values with dtype=float32]
- hfcorr(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- heat_flux_into_sea_water_due_to_newtonian_relaxation
- long_name :
- heat_flux_correction
- units :
- W/m2
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- mlddzt(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- depth_at_maximum_upward_derivative_of_sea_water_potential_temperature
- long_name :
- Thermocline Depth (depth of max dT/dz)
- units :
- m
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- mldr10_3(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_theta
- long_name :
- Mixed Layer Depth (dsigma = 0.03 wrt 10m)
- units :
- m
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- mldr0_1(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_theta
- long_name :
- Mixed Layer Depth (dsigma = 0.01 wrt sfc)
- units :
- m
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- mldr0_3(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_theta
- long_name :
- Mixed Layer Depth (dsigma = 0.03 wrt sfc)
- units :
- m
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- mld_dt02(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_temperature
- long_name :
- Mixed Layer Depth (|dT| = 0.2 wrt 10m)
- units :
- m
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- topthdep(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_temperature
- long_name :
- Top of Thermocline Depth (dT = -0.2 wrt 10m)
- units :
- m
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- pycndep(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_theta
- long_name :
- Pycnocline Depth (dsigma[dT=-0.2] wrt 10m)
- units :
- m
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- BLT(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- long_name :
- Barrier Layer Thickness
- units :
- m
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- tinv(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- long_name :
- Max of vertical invertion of temperature
- units :
- degC
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- depti(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- long_name :
- Depth of max. vert. inv. of temperature
- units :
- m
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- hc300(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- integral_of_sea_water_potential_temperature_wrt_depth_expressed_as_heat_content
- long_name :
- Heat content 0-300m
- units :
- J/m2
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- hdivtr(time_counter, deptht, y, x)float32...
- long_name :
- horizontal divergence transport
- units :
- s-1
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 1 month
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean time_counter: mean
[10087896 values with dtype=float32]
- windsp(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- wind_speed
- long_name :
- wind speed module
- units :
- m/s
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- wfob(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- water_flux_out_of_sea_ice_and_sea_water
- long_name :
- water_flux_into_sea_water at prev time-step
- units :
- kg/m2/s
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- fmmflx(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- long_name :
- Water flux due to freezing/melting
- units :
- kg/m2/s
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- siconc(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- sea_ice_area_fraction
- long_name :
- ice concentration
- units :
- %
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- sicover(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- sea_ice_area_fraction
- long_name :
- sea ice cover
- units :
- 1
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- qt_oce(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- surface_downward_heat_flux_in_sea_water
- long_name :
- downward total flux at ocean surface
- units :
- W/m2
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- qemp_oce(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- long_name :
- Downward Heat Flux from E-P over open ocean
- units :
- W/m2
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- qt_ice(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- surface_downward_heat_flux_in_air
- long_name :
- downward total flux at ice surface
- units :
- W/m2
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- qemp_ice(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- long_name :
- Downward Heat Flux from E-P over ice
- units :
- W/m2
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- hflx_rain_cea(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- temperature_flux_due_to_rainfall_expressed_as_heat_flux_into_sea_water
- long_name :
- heat flux due to rainfall
- units :
- W/m2
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- hflx_evap_cea(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- temperature_flux_due_to_evaporation_expressed_as_heat_flux_out_of_sea_water
- long_name :
- heat flux due to evaporation
- units :
- W/m2
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- hflx_snow_cea(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- heat_flux_into_sea_water_due_to_snow_thermodynamics
- long_name :
- heat flux due to snow falling over ice-free ocean
- units :
- W/m2
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- hflx_cal_cea(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- heat_flux_into_sea_water_due_to_iceberg_thermodynamics
- long_name :
- heat flux due to calving
- units :
- W/m2
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- wfo(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- water_flux_out_of_sea_ice_and_sea_water
- long_name :
- water_flux_into_sea_water
- units :
- kg/m2/s
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- emp_oce(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- evap_minus_precip_over_sea_water
- long_name :
- Evap minus Precip over ocean
- units :
- kg/m2/s
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- emp_ice(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- evap_minus_precip_over_sea_ice
- long_name :
- Evap minus Precip over ice
- units :
- kg/m2/s
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- friver(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- water_flux_into_sea_water_from_rivers
- long_name :
- water_flux_into_sea_water_from_rivers
- units :
- kg/m2/s
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- calving(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- water_flux_into_sea_water_from_icebergs
- long_name :
- Calving
- units :
- kg/m2/s
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- vfxice(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- long_name :
- ice melt/growth
- units :
- m/day
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- vfxsnw(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- long_name :
- snw melt/growth
- units :
- m/day
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- vfxsub(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- long_name :
- snw sublimation
- units :
- m/day
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- vfxspr(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- long_name :
- snw precipitation on ice
- units :
- m/day
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- rain(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- rainfall_flux
- long_name :
- Liquid precipitation
- units :
- kg/m2/s
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- snow_ao_cea(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- snowfall_flux
- long_name :
- Snow over ice-free ocean (cell average)
- units :
- kg/m2/s
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- snow_ai_cea(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- snowfall_flux
- long_name :
- Snow over sea-ice (cell average)
- units :
- kg/m2/s
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- evap_ao_cea(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- water_evaporation_flux
- long_name :
- Evaporation over ice-free ocean (cell average)
- units :
- kg/m2/s
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- subl_ai_cea(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- surface_snow_and_ice_sublimation_flux
- long_name :
- Sublimation over sea-ice (cell average)
- units :
- kg/m2/s
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- sosflxdo(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- long_name :
- Downward salt flux
- units :
- 1e-3/m2/s
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- name :
- CPL-90Ma-ORB1-TopoCorr_1m_grid_T
- description :
- Created by xios
- title :
- Created by xios
- Conventions :
- CF-1.6
- timeStamp :
- 2020-Nov-07 22:04:10 GMT
- uuid :
- 5a48fec9-7e00-46df-8ec8-5753a1e4a350
- LongName :
- restart from CPL-90Ma-BathyTotal for OCE/ICE/MBG + restart LMDZOR topoCorr for ATM/SBG/SRF - 1120 ppm - Config.Orbitale 1
- history :
- Mon Nov 9 05:21:33 2020: ncrcat -C --buffer_size 838860800 -O -v BLT,calving,deptht,deptht_bounds,depti,e3t,emp_ice,emp_oce,evap_ao_cea,fmmflx,friver,hc300,hdivtr,hfcorr,hflx_cal_cea,hflx_evap_cea,hflx_rain_cea,hflx_snow_cea,mld_dt02,mlddzt,mldkz5,mldr0_1,mldr0_3,mldr10_1,mldr10_1max,mldr10_3,nav_lat,nav_lon,nshfls,omlmax,pbo,pycndep,qemp_ice,qemp_oce,qt_ice,qt_oce,rain,rhopoto,rsds,rsntds,siconc,sicover,snow_ai_cea,snow_ao_cea,so,sos,sosflxdo,subl_ai_cea,thetao,time_centered,time_centered_bounds,time_counter,time_counter_bounds,tinv,topthdep,tos,tossq,vfxice,vfxsnw,vfxspr,vfxsub,wfcorr,wfo,wfob,windsp,zos,zossq Mon Nov 9 05:14:09 2020: ncra -C --buffer_size 838860800 -O -v BLT,calving,deptht,deptht_bounds,depti,e3t,emp_ice,emp_oce,evap_ao_cea,fmmflx,friver,hc300,hdivtr,hfcorr,hflx_cal_cea,hflx_evap_cea,hflx_rain_cea,hflx_snow_cea,mld_dt02,mlddzt,mldkz5,mldr0_1,mldr0_3,mldr10_1,mldr10_1max,mldr10_3,nav_lat,nav_lon,nshfls,omlmax,pbo,pycndep,qemp_ice,qemp_oce,qt_ice,qt_oce,rain,rhopoto,rsds,rsntds,siconc,sicover,snow_ai_cea,snow_ao_cea,so,sos,sosflxdo,subl_ai_cea,thetao,time_centered,time_centered_bounds,time_counter,time_counter_bounds,tinv,topthdep,tos,tossq,vfxice,vfxsnw,vfxspr,vfxsub,wfcorr,wfo,wfob,windsp,zos,zossq -d time_counter,0,,12 Sun Nov 8 01:58:25 2020: ncrcat -C --buffer_size 838860800 -p /ccc/scratch/cont003/gen2212/laugiema/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5A2/PROD/paleo/CPL-90Ma-ORB1-TopoCorr/OCE/Output/MO --output
- NCO :
- "4.6.0"
- nco_openmp_thread_number :
- 1
ds['ocean_mask'] = ('y', 'x'), convolution
<xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (axis_nbounds: 2, deptht: 31, tbnds: 2, time_counter: 12, x: 182, y: 149) Coordinates: * time_counter (time_counter) object 0000-01-16 00:00:00 ... 0000-... nav_lat (y, x) float32 -78.19 -78.19 -78.19 ... 59.91 59.91 nav_lon (y, x) float32 105.0 107.0 109.0 ... 106.0 106.0 106.0 * deptht (deptht) float32 5.0 15.0 25.0 ... 4.75e+03 5.25e+03 time_centered (time_counter) object 7804-07-16 00:00:00 ... 7805-... Dimensions without coordinates: axis_nbounds, tbnds, x, y Data variables: time_counter_bnds (time_counter, tbnds) object 0000-01-01 00:00:00 ..... deptht_bounds (deptht, axis_nbounds) float32 0.0 10.0 ... 5.501e+03 time_centered_bounds (time_counter, axis_nbounds) object 7804-07-01 00:0... time_counter_bounds (time_counter, axis_nbounds) float64 1.837e+11 ... ... e3t (time_counter, deptht, y, x) float32 ... pbo (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... zos (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... zossq (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... thetao (time_counter, deptht, y, x) float32 ... tos (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... tossq (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... so (time_counter, deptht, y, x) float32 ... sos (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... rhopoto (time_counter, deptht, y, x) float32 ... omlmax (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... mldkz5 (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... mldr10_1 (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... mldr10_1max (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... wfcorr (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... nshfls (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... rsntds (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... rsds (time_counter, deptht, y, x) float32 ... hfcorr (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... mlddzt (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... mldr10_3 (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... mldr0_1 (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... mldr0_3 (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... mld_dt02 (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... topthdep (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... pycndep (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... BLT (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... tinv (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... depti (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... hc300 (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... hdivtr (time_counter, deptht, y, x) float32 ... windsp (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... wfob (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... fmmflx (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... siconc (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... sicover (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... qt_oce (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... qemp_oce (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... qt_ice (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... qemp_ice (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... hflx_rain_cea (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... hflx_evap_cea (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... hflx_snow_cea (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... hflx_cal_cea (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... wfo (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... emp_oce (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... emp_ice (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... friver (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... calving (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... vfxice (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... vfxsnw (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... vfxsub (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... vfxspr (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... rain (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... snow_ao_cea (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... snow_ai_cea (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... evap_ao_cea (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... subl_ai_cea (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... sosflxdo (time_counter, y, x) float32 ... ocean_mask (y, x) int64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Attributes: name: CPL-90Ma-ORB1-TopoCorr_1m_grid_T description: Created by xios title: Created by xios Conventions: CF-1.6 timeStamp: 2020-Nov-07 22:04:10 GMT uuid: 5a48fec9-7e00-46df-8ec8-5753a1e4a350 LongName: restart from CPL-90Ma-BathyTotal for OCE/ICE/M... history: Mon Nov 9 05:21:33 2020: ncrcat -C --buffer_s... NCO: "4.6.0" nco_openmp_thread_number: 1
- axis_nbounds: 2
- deptht: 31
- tbnds: 2
- time_counter: 12
- x: 182
- y: 149
- time_counter(time_counter)object0000-01-16 00:00:00 ... 0000-12-...
- bounds :
- time_counter_bnds
- time_origin :
- 01-JAN-0000 00:00:00
array([cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 1, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 2, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 3, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 4, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 5, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 6, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 7, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 8, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 9, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 10, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 11, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 12, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0)], dtype=object)
- nav_lat(y, x)float32-78.19 -78.19 ... 59.91 59.91
- standard_name :
- latitude
- long_name :
- Latitude
- units :
- degrees_north
array([[-78.19058 , -78.19058 , -78.19058 , ..., -78.19058 , -78.19058 , -78.19058 ], [-77.7742 , -77.7742 , -77.7742 , ..., -77.7742 , -77.7742 , -77.7742 ], [-77.34337 , -77.34337 , -77.34337 , ..., -77.34337 , -77.34337 , -77.34337 ], ..., [ 59.725872, 59.725872, 59.73183 , ..., 59.73183 , 59.725872, 59.725872], [ 59.910233, 59.910233, 59.910248, ..., 59.910248, 59.910233, 59.910233], [ 59.910233, 59.910233, 59.910248, ..., 59.910248, 59.910233, 59.910233]], dtype=float32)
- nav_lon(y, x)float32105.0 107.0 109.0 ... 106.0 106.0
- standard_name :
- longitude
- long_name :
- Longitude
- units :
- degrees_east
array([[105. , 107. , 109. , ..., 103. , 105. , 107. ], [105. , 107. , 109. , ..., 103. , 105. , 107. ], [105. , 107. , 109. , ..., 103. , 105. , 107. ], ..., [105.98919 , 106.01081 , 106.054634, ..., 105.945366, 105.98919 , 106.01081 ], [105.999725, 106.000275, 106.00089 , ..., 105.99911 , 105.999725, 106.000275], [106. , 105.999725, 105.99911 , ..., 106.00089 , 106. , 105.999725]], dtype=float32)
- deptht(deptht)float325.0 15.0 25.0 ... 4.75e+03 5.25e+03
- name :
- deptht
- long_name :
- Vertical T levels
- units :
- m
- positive :
- down
- bounds :
- deptht_bounds
array([4.999938e+00, 1.500029e+01, 2.500176e+01, 3.500541e+01, 4.501332e+01, 5.502950e+01, 6.506181e+01, 7.512551e+01, 8.525037e+01, 9.549429e+01, 1.059699e+02, 1.168962e+02, 1.286979e+02, 1.421953e+02, 1.589606e+02, 1.819628e+02, 2.166479e+02, 2.724767e+02, 3.643030e+02, 5.115348e+02, 7.322009e+02, 1.033217e+03, 1.405698e+03, 1.830885e+03, 2.289768e+03, 2.768242e+03, 3.257479e+03, 3.752442e+03, 4.250401e+03, 4.749913e+03, 5.250227e+03], dtype=float32)
- time_centered(time_counter)object7804-07-16 00:00:00 ... 7805-06-...
- standard_name :
- time
- long_name :
- Time axis
- time_origin :
- 1900-01-01 00:00:00
- bounds :
- time_centered_bounds
- cell_methods :
- time_counter: mean
array([cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 7, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 8, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 9, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 10, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 11, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 12, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 1, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 2, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 3, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 4, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 5, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 6, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0)], dtype=object)
- time_counter_bnds(time_counter, tbnds)object0000-01-01 00:00:00 ... 0001-01-...
array([[cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 5, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 5, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 6, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 6, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 8, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 8, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 9, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 9, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 10, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 10, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 11, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 11, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 12, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(0, 12, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)]], dtype=object)
- deptht_bounds(deptht, axis_nbounds)float320.0 10.0 10.0 ... 5e+03 5.501e+03
- units :
- m
array([[ 0. , 10.000015], [ 10.000015, 20.000834], [ 20.000834, 30.003216], [ 30.003216, 40.008644], [ 40.008644, 50.020004], [ 50.020004, 60.042915], [ 60.042915, 70.08833 ], [ 70.08833 , 80.17757 ], [ 80.17757 , 90.35213 ], [ 90.35213 , 100.692795], [ 100.692795, 111.35667 ], [ 111.35667 , 122.64877 ], [ 122.64877 , 135.15974 ], [ 135.15974 , 150.02681 ], [ 150.02681 , 169.41597 ], [ 169.41597 , 197.36778 ], [ 197.36778 , 241.12593 ], [ 241.12593 , 312.74466 ], [ 312.74466 , 429.72336 ], [ 429.72336 , 611.8891 ], [ 611.8891 , 872.8738 ], [ 872.8738 , 1211.588 ], [1211.588 , 1612.9757 ], [1612.9757 , 2057.1313 ], [2057.1313 , 2527.2168 ], [2527.2168 , 3011.8994 ], [3011.8994 , 3504.455 ], [3504.455 , 4001.159 ], [4001.159 , 4500.0215 ], [4500.0215 , 5000. ], [5000. , 5500.5645 ]], dtype=float32)
- time_centered_bounds(time_counter, axis_nbounds)object7804-07-01 00:00:00 ... 7805-07-...
- cell_methods :
- time_counter: mean
array([[cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 8, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 8, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 9, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 9, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 10, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 10, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 11, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 11, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 12, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(7804, 12, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 5, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 5, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 6, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)], [cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 6, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), cftime.Datetime360Day(7805, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)]], dtype=object)
- time_counter_bounds(time_counter, axis_nbounds)float641.837e+11 1.837e+11 ... 1.837e+11
- cell_methods :
- time_counter: mean
array([[1.836536e+11, 1.836562e+11], [1.836562e+11, 1.836588e+11], [1.836588e+11, 1.836613e+11], [1.836613e+11, 1.836639e+11], [1.836639e+11, 1.836665e+11], [1.836665e+11, 1.836691e+11], [1.836691e+11, 1.836717e+11], [1.836717e+11, 1.836743e+11], [1.836743e+11, 1.836769e+11], [1.836769e+11, 1.836795e+11], [1.836795e+11, 1.836821e+11], [1.836821e+11, 1.836847e+11]])
- e3t(time_counter, deptht, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- cell_thickness
- long_name :
- T-cell thickness
- units :
- m
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[10087896 values with dtype=float32]
- pbo(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- sea_water_pressure_at_sea_floor
- long_name :
- Pressure_at_sea_floor
- units :
- dbar
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- zos(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- sea_surface_height_above_geoid
- long_name :
- sea_surface_height_above_geoid
- units :
- m
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- zossq(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- square_of_sea_surface_height_above_geoid
- long_name :
- square_of_sea_surface_height_above_geoid
- units :
- m2
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- thetao(time_counter, deptht, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- sea_water_potential_temperature
- long_name :
- sea_water_potential_temperature
- units :
- degC
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 1 month
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean time_counter: mean
[10087896 values with dtype=float32]
- tos(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- sea_surface_temperature
- long_name :
- sea_surface_temperature
- units :
- degC
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- tossq(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- square_of_sea_surface_temperature
- long_name :
- square_of_sea_surface_temperature
- units :
- degC2
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- so(time_counter, deptht, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- sea_water_practical_salinity
- long_name :
- sea_water_salinity
- units :
- 1e-3
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 1 month
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean time_counter: mean
[10087896 values with dtype=float32]
- sos(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- sea_surface_salinity
- long_name :
- sea_surface_salinity
- units :
- 1e-3
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- rhopoto(time_counter, deptht, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- sea_water_sigma_theta
- long_name :
- sea_water_potential_density
- units :
- kg/m3
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[10087896 values with dtype=float32]
- omlmax(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_vertical_tracer_diffusivity
- long_name :
- ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_mixing_scheme
- units :
- m
- online_operation :
- maximum
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: maximum (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- mldkz5(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_vertical_tracer_diffusivity
- long_name :
- Turbocline depth (Kz = 5e-4)
- units :
- m
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- mldr10_1(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_theta
- long_name :
- Mixed Layer Depth (dsigma = 0.01 wrt 10m)
- units :
- m
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- mldr10_1max(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_theta
- long_name :
- max of Mixed Layer Depth 0.01 ref.10m
- units :
- m
- online_operation :
- maximum
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: maximum (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- wfcorr(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- water_flux_out_of_sea_water_due_to_newtonian_relaxation
- long_name :
- water_flux_correction
- units :
- kg/m2/s
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- nshfls(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- long_name :
- surface_net_downward_non_solar_flux
- units :
- W/m2
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- rsntds(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- net_downward_shortwave_flux_at_sea_water_surface
- long_name :
- surface_net_downward_shortwave_flux
- units :
- W/m2
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- rsds(time_counter, deptht, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_sea_water
- long_name :
- downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_sea_water
- units :
- W/m2
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[10087896 values with dtype=float32]
- hfcorr(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- heat_flux_into_sea_water_due_to_newtonian_relaxation
- long_name :
- heat_flux_correction
- units :
- W/m2
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- mlddzt(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- depth_at_maximum_upward_derivative_of_sea_water_potential_temperature
- long_name :
- Thermocline Depth (depth of max dT/dz)
- units :
- m
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- mldr10_3(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_theta
- long_name :
- Mixed Layer Depth (dsigma = 0.03 wrt 10m)
- units :
- m
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- mldr0_1(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_theta
- long_name :
- Mixed Layer Depth (dsigma = 0.01 wrt sfc)
- units :
- m
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- mldr0_3(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_theta
- long_name :
- Mixed Layer Depth (dsigma = 0.03 wrt sfc)
- units :
- m
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- mld_dt02(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_temperature
- long_name :
- Mixed Layer Depth (|dT| = 0.2 wrt 10m)
- units :
- m
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- topthdep(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_temperature
- long_name :
- Top of Thermocline Depth (dT = -0.2 wrt 10m)
- units :
- m
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- pycndep(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_theta
- long_name :
- Pycnocline Depth (dsigma[dT=-0.2] wrt 10m)
- units :
- m
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- BLT(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- long_name :
- Barrier Layer Thickness
- units :
- m
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- tinv(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- long_name :
- Max of vertical invertion of temperature
- units :
- degC
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- depti(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- long_name :
- Depth of max. vert. inv. of temperature
- units :
- m
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- hc300(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- integral_of_sea_water_potential_temperature_wrt_depth_expressed_as_heat_content
- long_name :
- Heat content 0-300m
- units :
- J/m2
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 4800 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 4800 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- hdivtr(time_counter, deptht, y, x)float32...
- long_name :
- horizontal divergence transport
- units :
- s-1
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 1 month
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean time_counter: mean
[10087896 values with dtype=float32]
- windsp(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- wind_speed
- long_name :
- wind speed module
- units :
- m/s
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- wfob(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- water_flux_out_of_sea_ice_and_sea_water
- long_name :
- water_flux_into_sea_water at prev time-step
- units :
- kg/m2/s
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- fmmflx(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- long_name :
- Water flux due to freezing/melting
- units :
- kg/m2/s
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- siconc(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- sea_ice_area_fraction
- long_name :
- ice concentration
- units :
- %
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- sicover(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- sea_ice_area_fraction
- long_name :
- sea ice cover
- units :
- 1
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- qt_oce(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- surface_downward_heat_flux_in_sea_water
- long_name :
- downward total flux at ocean surface
- units :
- W/m2
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- qemp_oce(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- long_name :
- Downward Heat Flux from E-P over open ocean
- units :
- W/m2
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- qt_ice(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- surface_downward_heat_flux_in_air
- long_name :
- downward total flux at ice surface
- units :
- W/m2
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- qemp_ice(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- long_name :
- Downward Heat Flux from E-P over ice
- units :
- W/m2
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- hflx_rain_cea(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- temperature_flux_due_to_rainfall_expressed_as_heat_flux_into_sea_water
- long_name :
- heat flux due to rainfall
- units :
- W/m2
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- hflx_evap_cea(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- temperature_flux_due_to_evaporation_expressed_as_heat_flux_out_of_sea_water
- long_name :
- heat flux due to evaporation
- units :
- W/m2
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- hflx_snow_cea(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- heat_flux_into_sea_water_due_to_snow_thermodynamics
- long_name :
- heat flux due to snow falling over ice-free ocean
- units :
- W/m2
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- hflx_cal_cea(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- heat_flux_into_sea_water_due_to_iceberg_thermodynamics
- long_name :
- heat flux due to calving
- units :
- W/m2
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- wfo(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- water_flux_out_of_sea_ice_and_sea_water
- long_name :
- water_flux_into_sea_water
- units :
- kg/m2/s
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- emp_oce(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- evap_minus_precip_over_sea_water
- long_name :
- Evap minus Precip over ocean
- units :
- kg/m2/s
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- emp_ice(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- evap_minus_precip_over_sea_ice
- long_name :
- Evap minus Precip over ice
- units :
- kg/m2/s
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- friver(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- water_flux_into_sea_water_from_rivers
- long_name :
- water_flux_into_sea_water_from_rivers
- units :
- kg/m2/s
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- calving(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- water_flux_into_sea_water_from_icebergs
- long_name :
- Calving
- units :
- kg/m2/s
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- vfxice(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- long_name :
- ice melt/growth
- units :
- m/day
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- vfxsnw(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- long_name :
- snw melt/growth
- units :
- m/day
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- vfxsub(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- long_name :
- snw sublimation
- units :
- m/day
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- vfxspr(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- long_name :
- snw precipitation on ice
- units :
- m/day
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- rain(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- rainfall_flux
- long_name :
- Liquid precipitation
- units :
- kg/m2/s
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- snow_ao_cea(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- snowfall_flux
- long_name :
- Snow over ice-free ocean (cell average)
- units :
- kg/m2/s
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- snow_ai_cea(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- snowfall_flux
- long_name :
- Snow over sea-ice (cell average)
- units :
- kg/m2/s
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- evap_ao_cea(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- water_evaporation_flux
- long_name :
- Evaporation over ice-free ocean (cell average)
- units :
- kg/m2/s
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- subl_ai_cea(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- standard_name :
- surface_snow_and_ice_sublimation_flux
- long_name :
- Sublimation over sea-ice (cell average)
- units :
- kg/m2/s
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- sosflxdo(time_counter, y, x)float32...
- long_name :
- Downward salt flux
- units :
- 1e-3/m2/s
- online_operation :
- average
- interval_operation :
- 24000 s
- interval_write :
- 1 month
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 24000 s) time_counter: mean
[325416 values with dtype=float32]
- ocean_mask(y, x)int640 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
array([[0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0], ..., [0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0]])
- name :
- CPL-90Ma-ORB1-TopoCorr_1m_grid_T
- description :
- Created by xios
- title :
- Created by xios
- Conventions :
- CF-1.6
- timeStamp :
- 2020-Nov-07 22:04:10 GMT
- uuid :
- 5a48fec9-7e00-46df-8ec8-5753a1e4a350
- LongName :
- restart from CPL-90Ma-BathyTotal for OCE/ICE/MBG + restart LMDZOR topoCorr for ATM/SBG/SRF - 1120 ppm - Config.Orbitale 1
- history :
- Mon Nov 9 05:21:33 2020: ncrcat -C --buffer_size 838860800 -O -v BLT,calving,deptht,deptht_bounds,depti,e3t,emp_ice,emp_oce,evap_ao_cea,fmmflx,friver,hc300,hdivtr,hfcorr,hflx_cal_cea,hflx_evap_cea,hflx_rain_cea,hflx_snow_cea,mld_dt02,mlddzt,mldkz5,mldr0_1,mldr0_3,mldr10_1,mldr10_1max,mldr10_3,nav_lat,nav_lon,nshfls,omlmax,pbo,pycndep,qemp_ice,qemp_oce,qt_ice,qt_oce,rain,rhopoto,rsds,rsntds,siconc,sicover,snow_ai_cea,snow_ao_cea,so,sos,sosflxdo,subl_ai_cea,thetao,time_centered,time_centered_bounds,time_counter,time_counter_bounds,tinv,topthdep,tos,tossq,vfxice,vfxsnw,vfxspr,vfxsub,wfcorr,wfo,wfob,windsp,zos,zossq Mon Nov 9 05:14:09 2020: ncra -C --buffer_size 838860800 -O -v BLT,calving,deptht,deptht_bounds,depti,e3t,emp_ice,emp_oce,evap_ao_cea,fmmflx,friver,hc300,hdivtr,hfcorr,hflx_cal_cea,hflx_evap_cea,hflx_rain_cea,hflx_snow_cea,mld_dt02,mlddzt,mldkz5,mldr0_1,mldr0_3,mldr10_1,mldr10_1max,mldr10_3,nav_lat,nav_lon,nshfls,omlmax,pbo,pycndep,qemp_ice,qemp_oce,qt_ice,qt_oce,rain,rhopoto,rsds,rsntds,siconc,sicover,snow_ai_cea,snow_ao_cea,so,sos,sosflxdo,subl_ai_cea,thetao,time_centered,time_centered_bounds,time_counter,time_counter_bounds,tinv,topthdep,tos,tossq,vfxice,vfxsnw,vfxspr,vfxsub,wfcorr,wfo,wfob,windsp,zos,zossq -d time_counter,0,,12 Sun Nov 8 01:58:25 2020: ncrcat -C --buffer_size 838860800 -p /ccc/scratch/cont003/gen2212/laugiema/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5A2/PROD/paleo/CPL-90Ma-ORB1-TopoCorr/OCE/Output/MO --output
- NCO :
- "4.6.0"
- nco_openmp_thread_number :
- 1
ds['ocean_mask'].hvplot.quadmesh(x='nav_lon', y='nav_lat', cmap='viridis')